Posts The Rocket League Guide (Part #2)

The Rocket League Guide (Part #2)

Best 5 Rocket League Tips For Bronze Or Silver players.

Hello today I am going to be talking about some of the best 2020 Rocket League tips!!!! Like always I will show you the latest guide Rocket League Guide (part #3)

Save Boost

Ok so boost is a precious thing instead of using all your boost in one go save it; it will come in handy. (I use to do that shhhhhhhhhh.)

Will This Be A Helpful Thing To Do???

YESSSS very helpful and easy.

Stop Ball Chasing

Why Do This????

Because if you and your team mates ball chase you are going to triple commit and everything is going to be a mess. But on the other hand you in defence and your team mates double commiting you will have an advantage over the other team. At one point the other team will get the ball pass your team mates and it will be up to you.

(BUT MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT ALLWAYS STAY IN THE GOAL !!!!!!!!!) Practice spacing to not tripple commit, only go into the goal if there is no one in it and the ball is in your half of the field!!!! But it will take practice not only in game but also in training packs. But it will help.

Camara Settings

I can’t tell you much about camera settings because they are entirely up to you, but I can show you what camera settings I play better with.

My camera settings

Oh and turn camera shake of!!!!!!

Ball Over Boost

Ball over boost, see this example, when you have zero boost and you are rotating down and their is a player rolling the ball into the goal with no player in goal . Think for a moment what do you think is the right thing to do in this position. A=Get boost and try to get the player????? B= Try to cut the player?????? C=None of them??????? The right awnser is B=try to cut the player.

Why is this??????

Because if you tried to get boost and cut the other player you probably don’t have the time but if you cut the player with some small boost pads and flips you could most likely make it. You have about 10% out of 100% to make it getting the big boost pad, but on the other hand you have about 90% out of 100% with no big boost pad so ball is better.

Well I am sorry but there is NO packs for this one but I can tell you stuff you can do for all the tips.

Save Boost

Turn unlimited boost of in freeplay and get the small boost pads.

Stop Ball Chasing

Practice in match.

Camera Settings

Just change them.

Ball Over Boost

Match practice.

I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you on The Rocket League Guide (part #3) !!!!!!! Once again I will show you the one before Rocket League Guide (part #1)

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