Posts The Rocket League Guide (Part #1)

The Rocket League Guide (Part #1)

3 Rocket League Tips For Total Beginners

Hi! today I will be talking about tips for people who installed Rocket League and only touched the controler once. And like always the latest guide The Rocket League Guide(Part #2)!!! Right lets just get right into it!!!!

Freeplay Is Your Best Friend

My camera settings Ok so what I mean by this is, if you are a total beginner which you probably are if you are reading this, I recommend you freeplay!!! Just getting control of your car and hitting the ball around, easy as that.

Why Do This

Because most lower ranked players don’t use freeplay as much as I recommend you, just 10 minits a day. And in a few days you will see a huge diffrence in your game play!! For some reason higher ranked players use freeplay A LOT, I am not saying it is a bad thing, just in my opinion, I think new players should use freeplay as much as higher ranked players or more!!!!!!!

Play More Matches

My camera settings Not much comes in to this one; just play more matches, you are going to lose and win !! If you want to try to think about one aspect of your game play!! Like:Hitting the ball or demoing a player, you get what I mean don’t you!!!

Okay todays traning packs are all the begginer psyonix traning packs!!! They are going to help you out A LOT so do feel free to use them.

Okay so I know it has been a pretty short number one guide I am sorry :( Just the lower ranked players don’t have much to do just freeplay, more freeplay and more freeplay. But that does not mean that the other things I recommended you don’t have use. They will still help.

Well anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I will see you in the next post!!

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