Posts Stuff that I like...

Stuff that I like...


Ok to get started I will put a link to my 12 year old brothers blog!!! And my dads Juan A. Rubio

These are some things that I like!!!

  1. computers
  2. video games
  3. Football
  4. Reading
  5. school work
  6. Space rockets
  7. Everything to be neat.

These are only a few of the things that I enjoy.

Ok so I know the title is stuff that I like, but I am going to tell you about….. lets say THE RULES!!!!. They are not necessary to do but some things may seem a little strange when you read my stuff so its best you do read this, I hope you do read.

  1. On The Rocket League Guide I will continue righting as I addvance in the ranks.

  2. There are going to be various blog posts about some of the ones I have labled above. P.S. the search bar is going to be useful.

  3. This is somthing to note in Colin and the dimension swap a Monstor is a new species I created.

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