Posts Colin And The Dimension Swap (Chapter #1)

Colin And The Dimension Swap (Chapter #1)

Colin And The Dimension Swap (Chapter #1)

Colin started the day, like any other other ordinary day. He got out of bed, suddenly something a little bit weird happened!!!. The day re-started but Colin did not realise, he woke up and he saw some thing unusual!!!. He saw a slimy face in front of of him, Colin’s head was about to pop!. Colin heard the slimy monster say “honey, Joana is gone and and she is re-placed with a human person!!!,” really terrifying. Mr Monstor shouted back “be right up”. When he came up he shouted out “what in the eternity of life is this!!!”. During the same moment Colin put his pillow over his ears. Mr Monstor was already dialing the number of uncle John but before he could finish Mrs Monstor mentioned that every time there was a problem he called uncle John (which was true).

Mr Monster thought for a few seconds and then he admitted. “You started this so you finish it” said Mr M “Fine” said Mrs M, Colin could not belive what he was hearing he had never seen a monster or a monster fight. Too much has happened in one day for Colin and he didn’t even have breakfast yet!! Finally Mrs M agreed to call uncle John. Mr M was more than happy. Colin could very barely hear John saying “be right there”.

“Ok first thing first “ said Mrs M “we need to say some magic words so that this room will not be slimy they are, SLOMBI SLIMBI “on three” said Mrs M THREE, TWO, ONE “SLOMBI SLIMBI” it really worked!!!!!.

It worked great (or at least that is what Colin thought) What Mrs M did’t remember was that it turns everything in that dimension to the stuff in the other dimension. So that means that Colin is a monstor!!!!!! Right after this moment the bell ran RING RING it went RING RING. Mr M had to shout “give me a second” and he told Colin that it wasn’t that bad being a monstor, because Colin was now even closer to poping.

And of course it was the un-mistakable John. Colin was planning his escape, when Mrs M said that she could turn Colin back with some magic words. They were very strange I can tell you that , something like this “HUYGIUGJ HBYGHT”.

When John met colin he was more scared than Colin, (as a mater of fact Colin is scared of his own shadow). John said the same as Mr M and colin said nothing but inside he was already poping. Because John was a Vampire, Right at that moment everything was calmin down. Mrs M said “you got to tell him” as you may think John is quite death, but if you thought that you are wrong he heard and said “TELL ME WHAT?”. Very quikly Mr M said “I used the spell you told me not to use” and as quick as a flash Mr M said “but we used spells on all of us incuding the person”. They both put faces as if they were expecting to here a angry John but insted he put a half happy and half laughing face!!

Then he said it was all a chalenge!!! said John, so where is Joana? he said “He swapped dimension with him” said Mr M. John said “i am reading a book about this these are the options that could happen so you could swap dimension:

  1. go to sleep at the same time
  2. have the same dinner
  3. dream about the same thing
  4. eat you dinner at the same time
  5. wash your teath at the same time “The most comon one is dream about the same thing” said uncle John. “Ok then what did you dream about” Colin thought for a second mmmmmm “a little slime blob” said Colin right after Mrs M said “THAT’S JOANA!!!!!”.
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